Local Constitution - as of 11/17/2022
of the
Madison, Wisconsin Area Local
of the
American Postal Workers Union, AFL-CIO
Table of Contents
ARTICLE II. Objectives
ARTICLE III. Membership
ARTICLE IV. Meetings
ARTICLE V. Officers
ARTICLE VI. Officer Powers, Duties and Compensation
ARTICLE VII. Other Compensation
ARTICLE VIII. Term of Offices
ARTICLE IX. Stewards
ARTICLE X. Standing Committees
ARTICLE XI. Duties of Committees
ARTICLE XII. Prohibition
ARTICLE XIII. Elections, Nominations, Committees
ARTICLE XIV. Appeals System Within The Local
ARTICLE XV. Amendments
- Every member has the right to be respected as a human being.
- Every member has the right to be respected as a brother or sister of this Union.
- Every member has the right to freedom of speech and the right to be heard.
- Every member has the right to the freedom to listen.
- Every member has the right to the freedom of the press.
- Every member has the right to participate in the activities of this Union.
- Members shall not be denied the right to seek any office or the right to vote in this Union because of race, color, creed, sex, sexual orientation, nationality, handicap, political affiliation, age, or religion.
- Every member has the right to support the candidate of his/her choice and to participate in that right with others.
- Every member has the right to a fair trial, to be represented by an individual of his/her choice and to proper appeal procedures.
- Every member has the right to be secure in his/her basic rights without fear of political, economic, physical or psychological intimidation.
This body shall be known as the Madison, Wisconsin Area Local, American Postal Workers Union, AFL-CIO.
ARTICLE II. Objectives
Section 1. The objectives of this organization shall be to unite all postal employees into one brotherhood for their economic and social advancement. We recognize the affiliation with our fellow workers, as exemplified by the American Federation of Labor - Congress of Industrial Organizations, the Wisconsin Postal Workers Union, the South Central Federation of Labor, and such other affiliation with legitimate labor groups as may be desirable, shall be maintained.
Section 2. This organization shall educate our membership in the history of the Labor Movement and develop and maintain an intelligent and dignified membership to vote and work for the election of candidates who favor the passage of improved legislation in the interest of all labor; work for the repeal of laws which are unjust to labor and to postal workers, such as the denial of the right to strike and the denial of the right to support political candidates of our choice; and educate all members in the area of economic, political and social justice.
ARTICLE III. Membership
Section 1. Any non-supervisory employee, regardless of level or grade, within the jurisdictional claim of this Local is eligible for membership. Those accepted for membership shall pay full per capita tax to the National, plus whatever dues and assessments may be required by this Local. A member’s good standing status shall not be affected by reason of the fact that his paycheck for the payroll period in which his/her dues deductions are made is insufficient to permit such dues deduction, by reason of illness, injury, pregnancy leave, lay-off or disciplinary suspension.
Section 2. No person eligible under the above provisions shall be denied membership because of race, color, creed, sex, sexual orientation, nationality, handicap, political affiliation, age, or religion.
Section 3. This Local shall have the power to confer honorary membership in this union. Such members shall be known as honorary members. No honorary member shall be eligible to hold office or be seated as a delegate at a convention, nor shall he or she have the right to vote.
Section 4. Application for membership must be made in writing and signed by a general officer of the organization and the applicant. Application shall be made on a standard application form or on a Form 1187. Application submitted electronically shall be considered received.
Section 5. (a) RETENTION OF MEMBERSHIP: This Local shall have the right to allow members of this organization who have resigned from the Postal Service, or who may have been promoted to positions exercising supervisory authority, the right to maintain their membership without voice or vote. Any EAS employee, including those currently working as 204B, are not allowed to attend any Union meeting.
(b) Members of this Union who retire from the Postal Service may maintain full membership with all rights of such membership by continuing to pay full per capita taxes to the APWU, plus whatever dues and assessments may be required by this Local.
(c) All retirees who do not desire to maintain full membership shall pay the applicable per capita tax as contained in Article III, Section 4(d) of the APWU National Constitution. Such retirees shall have neither voice nor vote.
ARTICLE IV. Meetings
Section 1. General membership meetings shall be held each month, except the months of July, August and December.
Section 2. Meetings of the Executive Board shall be held each month.
Section 3. Special meetings may be called by the President at his or her discretion, or upon the request to the President of 10 per cent (10%) of active members in good standing. A written notice of all such special meetings must be posted in the Main Office and all units and branches twenty-four (24) or more hours before the opening of the meeting. The notice shall contain the starting time and the place selected for the meeting. Only such business as the special meeting is called to consider shall be transacted.
Section 4. The attendance record of members shall be closed forty-five (45) minutes after the designated time by the Presidents official opening of the meeting.
Section 5. No member shall, without authority, divulge to non-members any of the proceedings of this Local.
ARTICLE V. Officers
The Officers of this Local shall be: President; Vice-President; Secretary; Treasurer; Clerk Craft Director; Maintenance Craft Director; and Motor Vehicle Craft Director. These officers shall comprise the Executive Board of this Local.
The other elected Officers of this Local shall be: Editor; Safety and Health Director; Director of Organization; and three (3) Trustees.
Assistants to Craft Directors and Sergeants at Arms shall be officers appointed by the President.
The President, Vice-President, Secretary and Treasurer shall serve as Officers with the same titles for the Madison Area Local, American Postal Workers Union, Inc. These Officers shall also constitute the Board of Directors of that corporation.
Any Officer, Steward, or any other member receiving compensation from this Local, who shall make application or accept a supervisory position temporary or permanent, shall immediately submit their resignation from office.
ARTICLE VI. Officer Powers, Duties and Compensation
Section 1. PRESIDENT: It shall be the duty of the President to have charge of the general welfare of the Local, and to promote its interest in such ways which seem advisable to him/her, or as directed by the Local. He/she shall preside at all meetings and shall have the authority therein as is generally defined in Roberts Rules of Order. He/she shall appoint the chair of all committees not specifically appointed by the constitution or on a motion in the General membership meetings. He/she shall be responsible for grievance appeals and instruction for the Area Local. He/she shall be a member of all committees, except the nominations and election committees. He/she shall fill, by appointment, all vacancies from any cause whatsoever. He/she shall sign all orders drawn by the Treasurer and shall co-sign all checks. He/she shall be responsible for all work of the Local and all Officers of the Local shall work under his/her supervision. He/she shall oversee the legislative program of the Local. He/she shall make a report at the end of his/her term of office of his/her activities as President of this Local. He/she shall be a delegate to the National and State Conventions of this Union, the convention of the Wisconsin AFL-CIO and the South Central Federation of Labor. The President, or his/her designee, shall be authorized to attend the APWU President’s Conferences. The President is authorized to approve expenditures of up to $750 per month between meetings. He/she shall submit an article to the regularly scheduled Flash Report. He/she shall be chair of the Negotiation Committee for the local contracts. He/she shall serve as President and a member of the Board of Directors for the Madison Area Local, American Postal Workers Union, Inc. The President shall be a part-time officer of this Local. The President shall receive per year - salary equal to 504 hours at the basic pay rate for PS top level, top step, 900 hours of lost time for duties of office, with additional hours to be provided for conventions and seminars. A Web Master may be appointed by the President. He/she shall have the responsibility of maintaining the Union web site as directed by the President. The Web Master shall receive lost time, if needed, at the discretion of the President.
Section 2. VICE-PRESIDENT: The Vice-President shall perform the duties of the President in case of his/her absence or inability to attend to the duties of office. In the event of death, removal, or resignation of the President, the Vice-President shall replace him or her until the next general election. He/she shall be required to be knowledgeable of all the duties of the President. He/she shall be a delegate to the National and State Conventions of this Union, the conventions of the Wisconsin AFL-CIO and to the South Central Federation of Labor. He/she shall have charge of all stewards and chief stewards of the Madison Wisconsin Area Local, and shall oversee all steward activities of this Local. He/she shall be responsible for, and knowledgeable of, all issues in the Local’s Area Offices. He/she shall be the alternate steward in all areas represented by this Local. He/she will maintain all necessary files, documents and research material needed for proper preparation of grievances. He/she shall submit an article to the regularly scheduled Flash Report. He/she shall be a member of the Negotiation Committee for the local contracts. He/she shall serve as Vice-President and a member of the Board of Directors for the Madison Area Local, American Postal Workers Union, Inc. The Vice-President shall receive per year - salary equal to 250 hours of the basic pay rate for PS-10, top step; 300 hours of lost time, with approval of the President, for duties of office, with additional hours to be provided for conventions and seminars.
Section 3. SECRETARY: The Secretary shall keep an accurate record of the proceedings of all regular and special meetings. The Secretary shall keep minutes of all Executive Board meetings. He/she shall perform such other duties as the rules and usage’s of this Local may require of him/her. He/she shall maintain and keep current a membership file of the Local. He/she shall maintain the DCO file and see that all data is current with the membership file, and make any corrections that are applicable. He/she shall keep and maintain a current file of all non-members. He/she shall submit an article to the regularly scheduled Flash Report. He/she shall be an alternate delegate to the National and a delegate to the State Conventions of this Union. He/she shall be a member of the Negotiation Committee for the local contracts, and shall be responsible for keeping an accurate record. He/she shall serve as Secretary and a member of the Board of Directors for the Madison Area Local, American Postal Workers Union, Inc. The Secretary shall receive per year - salary equal to 124 hours of the basic pay rate for PS-10, top step; 288 hours of lost time, with approval of the President, for duties of office, with additional hours to be provided for conventions and seminars.
Section 4. TREASURER: The Treasurer shall be the official custodian of all monies of this Local. He/she shall deposit all monies received by this Local. He/she shall make a report each month of all monies received and disbursed, and of the general financial state of the Local. He/she shall keep proper books of account which, together with all files and documents in his/her care, shall be open for inspection by the Trustees and members of the Executive Board at all times. The financial reports will also be available for inspection by any member following the General membership meetings. The Treasurer shall be authorized, with approval of the President, to pay any and all expenses that are necessary for the normal day to day efficient running of this Local. He/she shall also be authorized to pay National, State, Local and other affiliation payments, all monies required by law, and necessary insurance expenses of the Local. The Treasurer shall make no cash disbursements without proper authorization. He/she shall be responsible for all reports required by Federal or State Laws. He/she shall make an annual report of all monies received and expended. He/she shall be required at the end of his/her term of office to account for and turn over to his/her successor or the Union all money and documents in his/her control. He/she shall be an alternate delegate to the National and a delegate to the State Conventions of this Union. He/she shall serve as Treasurer and a member of the Board of Directors for the Madison Area Local, American Postal Workers Union, Inc. The Treasurer shall receive per year - salary equal to 124 hours of the basic pay rate for PS-10, top step; 288 hours of lost time, with approval of the President for duties of office, with additional hours to be provided for conventions and seminars.
Section 5. (a) CRAFT DIRECTORS: The Craft Directors shall offer advice and help to all stewards in their craft in the proper preparation of grievances. Their duties shall include overseeing the operations of their crafts, especially any and all mechanization, automation and updating in their crafts, and any other duties the President may deem necessary. They shall be alternate stewards for their respective crafts. They shall assist, as needed, the Vice-President in representing the Area Offices. They shall be members of the Negotiation Committee for the local contracts. They shall give a full report of the activities of their craft at the monthly Executive Board and General membership meetings, and submit quarterly reports to the Flash Report. Craft Directors shall be delegates to the National and State Conventions of this Union. They shall receive per year - salary equal to 40 hours of the basic pay rate for PS-10, top step; 96 hours of lost time, with approval of the President, for duties of office with additional hours to be provided for conventions and seminars.
(b) The President may appoint an assistant to each Craft Director from a list provided by the Craft Director. The assistant to the Craft Director shall work under the direction of the Craft Director. He/she shall be an alternate steward for the Craft and his/her duties shall include assisting the Vice-President and Craft Director in representing the Craft in the offices represented by the Local.
(c) The assistant to each Craft Director shall receive per year salary equal to 28 hours of the basic pay rate for PS-10, top step. He/she shall attend all steward seminars, grievance handling classes and General Membership meetings, unless excused by the President, in order to receive compensation. lost time, if needed, shall be at the discretion of the President.
Section 6. TRUSTEES: The Board of Trustees shall have the responsibility to see that all Officers perform their duties according to the Constitution of this Local and the guidelines set forth by the Dept. of Labor as regards to labor unions. They shall audit the books of the Treasurer during the last two weeks of March and November and give a report of the audit together with any recommendations they consider pertinent to the Local at the General membership meetings. They shall be charged with the accounting of all funds and properties of the Local. It shall be their duty to see that no bills are paid without proper authorization. They shall keep a record of all their official acts. They shall perform any other duties that may be necessary as directed by the Executive Board. They shall present a report of Legislative matters of concern to the Local at each General membership meeting. They shall act as the Hearing Board for any charges brought against members, officers or stewards. They will, from amongst themselves, designate to the President who will act as the Chief Trustee, who shall chair the Hearing Board and be responsible for establishing the timely audit of the Locals financial records. In the event the Treasurer leaves office for any reason, the Trustees shall take possession of and account for all manner of Local property from the Treasurer until the Treasurer is replaced. The Trustees shall each receive per year – salary equal to 16 hours of the basic pay rate for PS-10, top step; 32 hours of lost time, with approval of the President, for duties of office, with additional hours for conventions and seminars.
Section 7. (a) EDITOR: The Editor shall be responsible for the Publicity and Public Relations matters of this Local and shall publish the Local’s Flash Report each January, March, May, September and November. The Flash Report shall also be published in February of the Local’s election years. These Flash Reports shall be mailed the second week of the month except for March, of the Local’s election years, when they shall be mailed one week after close of the February membership meeting and completion of the nominations. Additional Flash Reports may be published, as needed, at the discretion of the President. The Editor may appoint an Associate Editor to assist in publication of the Flash Report, subject to approval of the President, and such appointment shall expire at the end of the Editors term of office. He/she shall submit an article to the regularly scheduled Flash Report. The Editor shall be a delegate to the State Convention of this Union. The Editor shall receive per year - salary equal to 52 hours of the basic pay rate for PS-10, top step; 48 hours of lost time, with approval of the President, for duties of office, with additional hours for conventions and seminars.
(b) The Associate Editor shall receive lost time, if needed, at the discretion of the President.
Section 8. SAFETY AND HEALTH DIRECTOR: The Director is responsible for assisting members when they are injured at work; this includes helping fill out the necessary forms, informing the members of their rights and responsibilities, and in working with local management and the Department of Labor’s Injury Compensation Office to see that the claim is handled in a fair and professional manner. The Director is also responsible for attending Safety and Health Committee meetings and in assisting the President and other Officers in working with management to provide our members with a safe and hazard-free place to work. He/she shall make a report at each General membership meeting, and shall submit a quarterly report to the Flash Report. He/she shall receive per year - salary equal to 28 hours of the basic pay rate for PS-10, top step; 48 hours of lost time, with approval of the President for duties of office, with additional hours for conventions and seminars.
Section 9. SERGEANTS AT ARMS: Sergeants at Arms shall have the responsibility to maintain order at Union events and perform other duties as assigned and directed by the President. They shall attend all General Membership meetings unless excused by the President. lost time if needed shall be at the discretion of the President.
Section 10. (a) EXECUTIVE BOARD: The Executive Board shall meet in executive session and have the authority to conduct the business of the Local. Recommendations of the Executive Board shall be acted upon at the next General membership meeting during approval of the Executive Board minutes. It shall be authorized to act on all financial matters which may arise between the General membership meetings, which are of such nature that the decision cannot be deferred until the next General membership meeting. A special meeting will be called, if necessary, to act on any matter which cannot be postponed. Any member of the Local may request the time of any meetings, and may attend any meeting of the Board.
(b) In the event that the Vice-President is not available to assume the duties of the President, the Executive Board shall select by secret ballot, from members of the Executive Board, a successor to assume the office of the President.
(c) The Executive Board shall have the authority to act on any appeal(s), made to the Executive Board, regarding failure to publish, or changes made to, any article submitted to the Flash Report.
(d) The Executive Board shall determine the date and time of the General membership meetings and inform the membership of such date and time by means of the Flash Report, postings, and/or other methods deemed appropriate.
Section 11. DIRECTOR OF ORGANIZATION: The Director shall be responsible for all organization as it relates to new hires and non-members of the Local as well as for any special or ongoing membership drives. The Director's primary function will be to solicit new members into this Local. He/she shall attend new employee orientations whenever possible, and will keep and maintain a current file of all non-members. He/she shall be familiar with all APWU benefits programs, including the APWU Health Plan, and shall be responsible for maintaining and disseminating current information on them. He/she shall submit a quarterly report to the Flash Report. He/she shall receive per year - salary equal to 26 hours of the basic pay rate for PS-10, top step; plus necessary LWOP for duties of office, with approval of the President, with additional hours for conventions and seminars.
ARTICLE VII. Other Compensation
Section 1. Officers of the Local will be authorized to receive up to 3 hours of lost time with approval of the President, to attend Executive Board and/or General membership meetings, and receive the necessary recompense for said hours.
Section 2. Mileage for Union Officials, on official Union business of this Local outside of the Madison installation, will be compensated in accordance with IRS guidelines. Members of the Local attending conventions, conferences, seminars or meetings out of Madison shall have their compensation computed as follows:
1. Air Coach Fare, where time and distance make this mode practical, or mileage for use of their personal auto, as determined by the President.
2. Per Diem expenses shall be actual expenses per day, subject to a maximum of the GSA regional rate, provided credible receipts, when available, and expense log are furnished and approved by the President.
3. All registration fees and lodging expenses shall be paid.
4. Any other expenses incurred outside of the above shall have to be approved by the Executive Board.
Section 3. Any other expenses incurred by an Officer or Steward in the performance of his/her duties, with the proper documentation, shall be paid by this Local.
Section 4. Any member of this Local who is compensated for LWOP, used for official union business, shall be reimbursed for any lost sick leave and annual leave due to that usage.
Section 5. The Chairs and up to two co-Chairs of the Picnic Committee and Winter Party Committee shall each receive the sum of $100 for their duties out of their budgeted funds.
Section 6. A full-time officer of this Local shall be entitled to the annual and sick leave that would be accrued as a Postal employee. Leave cannot be carried over from year to year of term. All unused time shall be paid at the end of each March at the full-time officer’s Constitutional salary. The Local shall pay that portion of the full-time officer’s Postal benefits that the USPS would pay based on the actual postal level and step, and benefit selections, of the full-time officer. A full-time officers Union dues shall be rebated by the Local. If a full-time officer is covered by the Civil Service Retirement System, the Local shall pay the employee share of Social Security (excluding Medicare.)
Section 7. All receipts for expenses and lost time shall be submitted within 90 days of incident in order to be considered for reimbursement. Exceptions will be approved by the president.
Section 8. Lost time and leave without pay compensation are to be paid at the Postal employee’s PS pay Level and Step hourly rate for the Postal pay period in which the leave was taken. Such compensation is at no loss or gain to the employee.
Section 9. An employee is due the salary that corresponds to each office or position held.
ARTICLE VIII. Term of Offices
All elected Officers shall hold office for a period of two years. All Officers, except Craft Directors, shall be elected by the general membership. Craft Directors shall be elected by members of the craft they represent. Assistants to Craft Directors and Sergeants at Arms are Officers appointed by the President.
Any elected Officer who is absent from two (2) consecutive Executive Board or General membership meetings without specific permission in advance from the President, or because of sudden illness, shall be removed and his office shall be declared vacant by two-thirds (2/3) vote at a General membership meeting.
In case any elected Officer resigns or becomes unable to perform his duties, or is removed from office, his office shall be declared vacant at the first General membership meeting following such resignation or disability or removal and the vacancy shall be filled by appointment by the President within thirty (30) days, and said appointee shall serve until such vacancy is filled by the next regular election. Letters of resignation shall be directed to the Executive Board.
ARTICLE IX. Stewards
Every Area Office, outside of the Madison installation, of six (6) or more members shall have an Area Office Steward.
Additional alternate stewards may be appointed and certified at the discretion of the President.
Stewards shall be responsible for the preparation of all Step 1 grievances of the membership they are certified to represent. They shall have a thorough understanding of the National and Local agreements in order to present the best case possible on behalf of the member.
Stewards shall attend all steward seminars and grievance-handling classes as directed by the President, and General membership meetings in order to receive compensation, unless excused by the President.
lost time, if needed by Stewards, shall be at the discretion of the President.
Stewards, excluding alternates, shall be elected for a period of two (2) years, and shall receive, per year - salary equal to 30 hours of the basic pay rate for PS-10, top step. Steward salary is in addition to any officer salary.
Stewards may only be excused for maximum of three general membership meetings per year.
ARTICLE X. Standing Committees
There shall be standing committees within this Local, to be known as the Sick and Welfare Committee, Publicity and Public Relations Committee, Legislative Committee, Membership Committee, Human Relations Committee, Safety and Health Committee, Budget Committee, Grievance Committee, Negotiation Committee, Picnic Committee, Winter Party Committee and Constitution Committee. The Chairs of said Committees, except where noted, shall serve at the discretion of the President. The President shall appoint members of committees, except where noted.
ARTICLE XI. Duties of Committees
Section 1. The Sick and Welfare Committee will make an offering of $100 to the family of a Local member who passes away before retirement. In the event a member spouse, parent or child of a Local members immediate family passes away, the Committee will make an offering of $25 to the member. Such offerings shall be paid from the Local’s treasury. Reports of committee activities should be made at each monthly meeting of this Local.
Section 2. The Publicity and Public Relations Committee shall be chaired by the Editor of the Flash Report. He/she shall see that the image of this Local is presented in a positive light and shall promote all activities of this Local. Supplemental Flash Reports shall be published at least two weeks prior the Annual Picnic and Winter Party informing the members of the event.
Section 3. The Legislative Committee shall include the Trustees, and shall promote and direct the legislative activities of the Local as formulated and approved by the membership.
Section 4. The Membership Committee, chaired by the Director of Organization, shall inform and educate all non-members of the aims and objectives of our organization and solicit them for membership in this Local.
Section 5. The Human Relations Committee shall prepare and direct programs in the area of equal opportunity; civic programs; community service programs; retirement programs, and all other related programs and be responsive to the needs of the membership in all human relations areas.
Section 6. The Safety and Health Committee shall be chaired by the Safety and Health Director. The duties of this Committee shall be to adjust all Safety and Health and OWCP problems any member may have, and to work with local management to provide a safe and hazard free workplace.
Section 7. The Budget Committee shall be chaired by the Treasurer. This Committee shall convene to set up and monitor a budget for this Local.
Section 8. The Grievance Committee shall be chaired by the Vice-President. They shall investigate all grievances which are presented to them. It shall further be their duty to adjust grievances and make recommendations to the President.
Section 9. The Constitution Committee shall address issues, problems or amendments of this Constitution.
Section 10. The Negotiation Committee shall be responsible for all of the Local Memorandums of Understanding between this Local and the Post Offices it is verified to represent.
Section 11. The Picnic and Winter Party Committees shall be responsible for their respective events.
ARTICLE XII. Prohibition
No criticism, reflection, argument, or debate touching on any member’s race, color, creed, sex, sexual orientation, nationality, handicap, political affiliation, age, or religion shall be allowed at any meeting of this Local.
ARTICLE XIII. Elections, Nominations, Committees
Section 1. The nominations for Officers, Stewards, and delegates to State and National Conventions and Labor Councils shall be held at the General membership meeting in February of each even numbered year. In order to qualify as a candidate for any position in this Local, the candidate must be an active member of the Local prior to December 1 of the preceding year. Members may only accept nomination for one office and, for craft officers and stewards, must be a member of the tour, area or craft at the time of nomination.
Section 2. The nominations and elections of Officers shall be accomplished by two separate committees; the Nominations Committee and the Election Committee; and shall be accomplished as follows:
(a) Nominations Committee. The Executive Board shall appoint, at least thirty (30) days prior to the February monthly meeting, a nominating committee of at least two (2) persons. This committee shall notify each member by the monthly newspaper that they may nominate candidates for office at the date, time and place of the February monthly meeting. They shall also notify each member of the offices which are to be filled. In the event a member in good standing is unable to attend the February meeting for a good cause, he/she may submit in writing the name of the candidate or candidates he/she wishes to nominate to elected office. If the nomination is submitted in writing, it must also contain the signature(s) of assent of the individual(s) being nominated. The Nomination Committee will determine if the reason for written submission is for a good cause. The Nominations Committee shall at the February monthly meeting accept all other nominations for elective office. The Committee shall not accept for nomination any person who has not either verbally at the February meeting, or in writing, indicated his/her willingness to be nominated. At the close of the nominations, the Committee shall turn over to the Election Committee the complete list of all members nominated for elective office.
(b) Election Committee. The President shall, at the close of the February monthly meeting, appoint at least five (5) persons to serve as the Election Committee. The duties of the Election Committee shall be as follows: the Committee shall prepare a printed ballot listing all offices for which the election is to be held. The Committee shall receive, at least twenty (20) days prior to the March monthly meeting, a complete list of members eligible to vote from the Secretary, along with the last known mailing address of each member. The Committee shall obtain a Post Office box in Madison, Wisconsin, which shall be the collection point for all ballots mailed. It shall not be the same Post Office box as that of the Local. The Committee shall cause to be mailed, by First Class Mail, to each member in good standing at least fifteen (15) days prior to the March monthly meeting the ballot for the election. This ballot envelope shall also contain a return First Class Mail envelope in which to mail said ballot back to the Election Committee. These ballots shall remain sealed until 8:00 a.m. on the day prior to the regular March monthly meeting at which time the election Committee shall begin counting ballots. Each candidate has the right to have an observer at the counting of the ballots. The observer must be a member in good standing of this Local. The election Committee shall, as the first order of business at the March monthly meeting, announce the results of the election. They shall then turn the ballots, envelopes and tally sheets over to the Secretary who shall place them on file for at least one year. The Election Committee members may not be candidates for an elective office.
(c) Campaign Rules. Each candidate has the right to inspect a list containing the names of all members in good standing. This right to inspect does not include the right to copy. The right to inspect is limited to once within thirty (30) days prior to the election. Any candidate may, at their own expense, have their own election material mailed to members in good standing by the Election Committee. The addressing and depositing in the mail of their material shall be accomplished by the Election Committee. All other expenses, including stationery, postage, etc. shall be borne by the candidate. This opportunity may be utilized only once per election and no mailing may take place during the last week before the March General membership meeting. Neither the Local nor the Election Committee shall bear any responsibility for content or timely delivery. Each candidate may, if he/she desires, submit to the Editor of the Flash Report an article of not more than 250 words promoting his/her candidacy. It shall be published in the March Flash Report. No candidate shall be allowed to use dues, assessments or other levies to promote his/her candidacy. No member shall vote by proxy.
Section 3. The ballots shall bear the names of all officially nominated candidates in the order of nominations made at the February monthly meeting. Write-in votes shall not be valid, counted or considered. Any unopposed candidates duly nominated in accordance with Section 2. (a) of this Article, shall be declared elected to that office, and his/her name shall not appear on the ballot.
Section 4. Each active member, to be eligible to vote, must have been a member in good standing prior to March 1 of the current year. In order to be a member in good standing, an application for membership must be received in accordance with Article III, Section 4.
Section 5. Elected Officers and Stewards shall be elected by referendum vote. All shall be elected by plurality vote.
Section 6. Additional convention delegates authorized by the General membership meeting and the delegates to the South Central Federation of Labor shall be nominated and elected at the same time as the election of Officers.
Section 7. The number of Stewards in our total complement shall be in accordance with the National Agreement, Article 17, as stated below:
Clerk Craft: Main Office, Tour I, Tour II, Tour III; Westside Station; Capitol Station, Capitol Annex and University Branch; Hilldale Station; Middleton Branch and Verona Branch; South Side Station; Beaver Dam Post Office; Beloit Post Office; Janesville Post Office; Monroe Post Office; Platteville Post Office; as provided in Article 17 of the National Agreement. In the event that the compliment of any Associate Office or POStPlan APO/RMPO cluster of this Local reaches or exceeds 6 members, that office shall also have one Steward. The Vice-President shall act as Alternate Steward for all Associate Offices in which no volunteer alternate from that office can be appointed.
Motor Vehicle Craft: Drivers – 1 Steward; Garage – 1 Steward. The Craft Director for the Motor Vehicle Craft shall be the Alternate Steward for the Craft.
Maintenance Craft: Tour I – 1 Steward; Tour II – 1 Steward; Tour III – 1 Steward. The Craft Director for the Maintenance Craft shall be the Alternate Steward for the Maintenance Craft.
Any other changes in steward representation, as determined by Article 17 of the National Agreement will be applied.
Section 8. In case of a tie vote, the candidates shall cast lots for the election (cut cards, high card wins, ace is high.)
ARTICLE XIV. Appeals System Within The Local
Section 1. The following are procedures that shall apply in the case that charges are levied against Officers or against any member:
(a) The charged Officer or member shall have a right to present a defense at a hearing.
(b) The Trustees shall act as the Hearing Committee, provided none are involved in any way with the incident. If a Trustee is involved, the President shall appoint a member to the Hearing Committee not involved in any way with the incident. In the event the charges are levied against the President, the Executive Board shall appoint any replacement.
(c) After reasonable time to prepare a defense, maximum of thirty (30) days, a full and fair hearing shall be conducted by the Hearing Committee.
(d) The Hearing Committee shall report to the next meeting of the Local and that meeting shall accept or reject the Committees decision.
(e) This decision may be appealed under the provisions of Article15, Section 3, of the APWU National Constitution. Administrative assistance or advice for this appeal shall be provided by the Local, if requested by the appellant.
Section 2. Those protests on Local Elections shall be handled in accordance with Article 12, Section 8, of the APWU National Constitution.
ARTICLE XV. Amendments
This Constitution will stand as the supreme authority of this Local. It shall be amended by the following procedures:
1. An amendment may be introduced and must be read at any General membership meeting.
2. The proposed amendment shall be in writing and shall be presented to the Chair of the meeting.
3. The amendment must be approved by a majority vote to be considered.
4. The amendment shall then be published in the next monthly edition of the Flash Report. Arguments for and against (one each) may also be published with the amendment. Such arguments will be limited to not more than 250 words. If more than one argument is submitted, the articles will be referred to the Constitution Committee for determination of which two (2), pro and con, will be published. The Constitutional Committee shall also convene prior to the next General membership meeting to consider the amendment and the Committee shall also present their report to the membership.
5. The amendment shall then be voted on at the next General membership meeting following publication. A two-thirds (2/3) vote is required to sustain the amendment.
6. The amendment will become effective immediately following adjournment of the meeting; unless it is for Officer compensation, then it will become effective the following April 1.
ARTICLE I. Order of Business
Section 1.
- Roll Call of Officers.
- Announcement of the time and date of the next General membership meeting.
- Approval of the Minutes of the last General membership meeting.
- Approval of the Minutes of the last Executive Board meeting.
- Reading of Communications.
- Report of the Treasurer.
- Report of the President.
- Report of Committees and Directors.
- Unfinished Business.
- New Business.
- Good and Welfare of the Local.
- Adjournment.
Section 2. The order of business may be transposed at any time by a two-thirds (2/3) vote at the General membership meeting.
ARTICLE II. Rules of Order
In the absence of other authority, the deliberations of this Local shall be governed by Roberts Rules of Order.
Ten (10) active members shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business at a General membership meeting and four (4) Executive Board officers shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business at an Executive Board meeting.
ARTICLE IV. Attendance
All Officers of this Local shall be required to attend the monthly Executive Board meetings, and/or the General membership meeting, unless excused by the President, or shall not receive compensation for that month.
Section 1. Dues paid on a monthly basis, shall be payable on the first of each month.
Section 2. The membership, at a regular constituted meeting, shall have the power to levy assessments.
ARTICLE VI. Reinstatement
Any member in arrears three months in payment of his/her dues or assessments shall be suspended from the membership rolls, and after four months shall be dropped from membership unless by special action of the Local he/she is retained in membership. The individual member will be advised of such action. Members who are dropped shall pay the sum of $25.00, unless waived, upon their reinstatement and they must sign a Dues Check Off Form 1187.
All records, files, etc., whether hard copy or on electronic media, shall be maintained at the Union Office.
ARTICLE VIII. Amendments
Amendments to these by-laws may be made upon recommendation of the Executive Board and approval by 2/3 vote at the next General membership meeting.
The offices of President, Vice-President, Secretary, and Treasurer of the corporation shall be filled by those officers of the Madison, Wisconsin Area Local, American Postal Workers Union, AFL-CIO, having the same titles.
The four officers of the corporation shall comprise the Board of Directors of the corporation.
Upon adoption of these by-laws, and upon any future change in the holder of any of the offices of the corporation, the Board of Directors shall meet in order to:
- Select one of their number as the Registered Agent of the corporation. The Registered Agent must be a resident of the State of Wisconsin, and shall, if possible, be the Secretary of the corporation. (Sec. 181.08 Stats.)
- Direct the Secretary to report any change in the name or address of the Registered Agent to the Secretary of State, with an accompanying affirmance that the change was authorized by the Board of Directors. (Sec. 181.09(1), Stats.)
- Direct the Secretary to report any changes in the names or addresses of the officers of the corporation to the Secretary of State. (Sec. 181.265, Stats.)
The Secretary of the corporation shall file the annual report of the corporation with the Secretary of State on or before June 30 of each year. (Sec. 181.653, Stats.) The Secretary shall also keep minutes of the meetings of the membership and the Board of Directors. (Sec. 181.27(1), Stats.)
The Board of Directors shall endeavor to hold an annual meeting of the membership of the corporation at a time and place to be established by the Board. (Sec. 181.14, Stats.) The voting membership must be given notice by mail at least 10, but not more than 50 days in advance of the meeting date. (Sec. 181.15, Stats.) This meeting may be held co-jointly with a membership meeting of the Madison, Wisconsin Area Local, American Postal Workers Union, AFL-CIO.
The procedure to amend these by-laws shall be the same as that set forth in the By-Laws of the Madison, Wisconsin Area Local, American Postal Workers Union, AFL-CIO.
Constitution and By-Laws ratified on October 29, 1971.
Constitution Committee Proposals and Amendments ratified on 1/9/73; 3/19/74; 12/21/78; 3/18/80; 6/17/80; 11/21/80; 1/20/81; 2/17/81; 5/19/81; 10/20/81; 1/19/82; 2/15/83; 1/17/84; 3/19/85; 2/17/87; 10/20/87; 10/18/88; 1/21/92; 2/21/93; 10/17/93; 1/19/00; 1/22/04; 11/22/05; 1/22/08; 1/27/10; 4/15/12 ; 9/16/14; 9/29/16; 02/22/18; 03/19/19; 11/19/19; 06/25/20, 04/01/2021, 04/21/2022, 11/17/2022
Date of this printing: